Earn cash back up to 30% now when you shop with your favourite websites via 'Shopback'!

If you ever book hotels, flight tickets, groceries, clothes etc online, Shopback is the one and only website that you shouldn't be missed. It allows you to receive up to 30% cash back when you shop online with all your favorite brands. Merchants include Expedia, Guardian, EBay, Lazada, Zalora, booking.com, Groupon, hotel.com and 500+ more.
Step 1: register for a free account here https://www.shopback.sg/?raf=keDzD8 and get to start right now!
Step 2: make sure you click the links from the website to connect to your desired Merchants.

Few things to note,
Step 3: Within the same window, you may shop as normal. Eg. If you spend $100, and the cashback is 10%, you get $10 Cashback!
Step 4: REAL cash will be credited to you via Bank Transfer or Paypal, straight into your account. You may fill in the option in "My Account".

It's all that simple steps that make you earn REAL cash wherever you shop online with all these popular merchants!
Step 4: REAL cash will be credited to you via Bank Transfer or Paypal, straight into your account. You may fill in the option in "My Account".

It's all that simple steps that make you earn REAL cash wherever you shop online with all these popular merchants!
Sounds too good to be true? To see is what to believe!

This is a screenshot of my cashback earnings through these years. I've accumlulated more than SGD600+ and the amount is still piling up!
Now as an exclusive deal to my readers, you get to earn $5 signup bonus and extra $5 ShopPerks Bonus with your first purchase at any of the merchant. So what are you waiting for? Register now at https://www.shopback.sg/?raf=keDzD8 and enjoy more saving from today. Because every cent counts!
If you're an existing Shopback's member, do not forget to connect the merchants from 'Shopback.com" for your online purchase!
The great thing about ShopBack is everything is stackable onto of discounts. You will receive Cashback on your final paid amount! So you can less off all your promo codes, gift cards etc, then earn cash back on whatever you paid.
在此与大家分享我是如何获取高达SGD600 的折扣吧!
Step 2: 有了帐号后,请记得点击 shopback.com 里的网站链接以获取有效认可的回扣。
Step 3: 在点击进入网站后,你只需像平时一样购物便行了。例如,如你消费了sgd100, 而折扣为10%,那么你将获取sgd10的现金回扣。
Step 4: 所获取的现金折扣可通过PayPal, 或是直接转入银行户口。您所需的只是在个人的shopback 帐号“My Account" 里填写户口资料就行了。

Step 4: 所获取的现金折扣可通过PayPal, 或是直接转入银行户口。您所需的只是在个人的shopback 帐号“My Account" 里填写户口资料就行了。

好消息是现在身为我的读者群,在通过我的连接 https://www.shopback.sg/?raf=keDzD8 注册后,就能立即获取$5 SIGNUP BONUS, 接着消费的话,又能获取额外的$5 ShopPerks Bonus !
赚取折扣无需等待,就从现在开始吧! 所谓积少成多。
如你已经注册了shopback.com 记得下次通过此购物平台来赚取更多的回扣啦! 别再傻傻的直接通过各自网站网上购买,算算你以前所消费的数额,如早点使用shopback 网站,这一定是一笔可观的金钱回扣啊!
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